
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February thus far.

Hi, hello there. It's been an exciting couple of weeks. As you probably already know, I got my appendix out. My incisions from the surgery are now healing up nicely. My 23rd birthday was spent napping on the couch recovering from the surgery. Sean took me out to lunch, which was exciting. Let's see... what else is going on. It's warming up a little outside. The huge snow piles in the apartment parking lot are getting a lot smaller. Apparently, tomorrow, it's supposed to 45 degrees, woo! Sean and I are looking at a couple apartments this week in St. Paul. Both apartment buildings are close in the Como neighborhood -- conveniently close to work and a lot closer to everything else. I hope we like one of them and we're able to move when our lease is up at the end of April.

Just dropping a note to say hello. Happy Tuesday!