
Sunday, March 23, 2014


Mornings are my favorite time of day.  My favorite moment is right now.  Morning light flooding through the huge living room window.  Sipping freshly brewed coffee.  Enjoying the quiet.  Well, except when Boots begins meowing...

I especially love weekend mornings, mostly because those are the only ones I get to spend at home.  This moment is the moment before the television is turned on.  Sean is usually still asleep.  I'm just waking up mentally.  The cat has already woken me up and she's been fed breakfast.  At this very moment, Boots is waiting patiently on the armrest of the chair for me to sit down and put a blanket on my lap.  Weekend morning lap time is a guarantee.

Mornings are a fresh start to the day.  What's not to love?  I hope you enjoy your morning as well, I know I am.  Kitty lap time is calling my name...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My new jam

This is my newest jam.  Don't worry, it's kid friendly.

It's so catchy.  It's been stuck in my head for the last 36 hours.  You're welcome.  It would be adorable if Charlie starting singing it.  Hint hint.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

An ode to a tweezers

Can I take a minute to write an entire post about a pair of tweezers?  Specifically this pair of tweezers

Trust me, I know what you're thinking $22 for a pair of tweezers?  And I know.  I rolled my eyes for years too, at the price and the hype.  But then one day when I had some awesome Ulta coupons and cashed in some of my reward points, I got said tweezers for $6 - a price I was comfortable with. 

And trust me.  I goffed at Tweezerman tweezers for years.  I've heard for so long how great they actually are and I never believed it.  I thought to myself, "Oh whatever, I can get a tweezers for a dollar and it will work exactly the same."  Somehow though, that is just not the case.  I don't know if it's the slant of the Tweezerman tweezers or what, but it grabs my little tiny baby eyebrow hairs I can't even see.

Seriously though, I'm blown away by a pair of stinking tweezers.  If you're in the market for some tweezers, I can't recommend the Tweezerman brand more.  I've had mine for about a month or so and there's nothing but rave reviews coming from me.