
Friday, March 25, 2011


Sean and I are signing the lease for the new apartment tomorrow morning. We're moving to St. Paul with moving day set for Sunday, April 17th. If you want to help with the move, please let me know. We can use all of the help we can get.

I started packing a few weeks ago, but need to do more this weekend. In addition to my plea for help with moving, if anyone knows of a good place to get good sized moving boxes, let me know. I've been hoarding all the boxes from work for months and have pretty much exhausted that box supply.

Well, I'm getting sleepy. I'm going to finish my Friday nightcap and go to sleep. Sleep tight!


The Lingens said...

Blogging two days in a row. My My. I can get you some boxes but how will you get them from me. ML

The Wistes said...

We can help you move. I talked to Trav about it- so we've got you scheduled in. I like your new blog format, and yeah! you're page is accepting comments again- it didn't for the longest time and I would always try to leave you comments.