
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Please welcome the newbies...

The new succulents I found at Ikea and then arranged into a pot and a new lemon tree.  Below you can see the succulents:

There's aloe and two other plants I can't remember the names of.  These plants are pretty low-maintenance, so caring for them should be easy.  Ikea has a pretty good selection of succulents, but they were picked over last week.  I spent a while searching for the three best looking plants. 

Lemon tree!

Sean and I were at Home Depot last week getting some paint for some unfinished picture frames I want to hang up in the dining room/kitchen.  A lot of people were wanting paint that evening so as we were waiting we were walking around the store.  I had found the cactus, palm, and citrus potting soil I needed for the lemon tree.  I was planning on ordering one online but wanted to have the soil prior to ordering it.  I, of course, wanted to look at the various plants outside.  As were were going down an aisle I saw mandarin and kumquat trees.  At the end of the aisle Sean found a bunch of Meyer lemon trees. 

We then chose the best looking tree there that already a few blossoms on it.  Also, some baby fruit.

By the way, I'm nerding out because I think this photo has some great depth of field.  Sean didn't seem too impressed.

This tree is much more developed than the last tree.  It would have cost me more in shipping to buy a tree online than at Home Depot.  As Sean can tell you, I got really excited walking around Home Depot carrying the tree around. 

The tree came in a plastic pot.  I had a pretty terra cotta pot that I bought for the first lemon tree, but we all know how that turned out.  After letting the tree's soil dry out for a few days I replanted the tree into the terra cotta pot on Sunday.  So far, so good.  The Miracle Grow cactus, palm, and citrus potting soil has worked pretty well.  It is supposed to improve drainage because of the materials in it.  I'm thinking about re-potting the succulents since I planted those prior to getting this soil.  Another project for another time I guess.

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