
Monday, April 1, 2013

Train museum.

This past weekend Sean and I hosted Easter. It was lovely. On Saturday, we went to the Twin City Model Railroad Museum.

Fun was had by all. Especially Charlie. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Charlie liked pointing out where the trains would come out of a tunnel.  He would say, "Out hole."

Cheesy smile.  I was distracting him from the trains.

I love this picture. 

 My father asked me to take a picture of him.

Charlie with his PaPa.


The Wistes said...

Thanks for putting up the pictures. He did have a lot of fun, and played trains for quite a while this morning, "up, down, up, down...". ~Becky

The Wistes said...

Charlie says, "Choo Choo!", "Out hole", and "PaPa!"