
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Maple Syrup

Two (maybe more) random things.

I made whole wheat pancakes for dinner tonight.  Pretty much the best fall/cooler weather food.  Wait, I take that back.  Pretty much any season kind of food, mainly because that means maple syrup is involved.  It's always a good day when maple syrup is involved.  I'm like my father in the sense that I LOVE maple syrup. 

Picked up Bridesmaids on DVD.  A night of laughing is about to ensue at the Lingen-Collins household.

And to answer your burning question, no I have no ran since the 5K.  Don't worry, I will start again. 

1 comment:

The Lingens said...

Ugh - maple syrup. So many things are better without it - pancakes, french toast.