My wedding day apparel. Dress, check. Veil, check. Shoes, no bueno. I love shoes and I'm disappointed I haven't found anything I love yet. I am sticking to flats since Sean and I are the same height, I don't want to be towering above him and feeling all awkward.
Here's some shoes I've been lusting after, but something has always been a bit off and I haven't 100% decided yet.
Cece Suede Ballet Flats from J.Crew |
Ah, I love these. They're perfect! Too bad they're $128 for a small ballet flat. Sad. To rich for my blood.
Of course my list needs to include TOMS. This is the first of many TOMS I like.
They look gray to me instead of silver. I think it would work, but I'm not totally sold. And I think if I'm going to have colored shoes, I want yellow not gray.
Okay, ignore the comment I just said about wanting yellow instead of gray. I was perusing the TOMS website some more and I came across these. Sweet Jesus, I am smitten. As of right now, these are my front runner. I can get behind something this glittery.
I've decided I want to wear TOMS for the wedding. Not only are they incredibly comfortable, I already own a pair that I love. Originally, Becky had gotten the Movember TOMS for me for Christmas, but I have huge feet. I went to exchange them at Nordstrom's and they didn't have my correct size. I got the
burlap TOMS instead (which I love just as much). And! There's a mustache on the side of this shoe. I have a strange obsession with mustaches. I think a
mustache finger tattoo would be a fantastic thing.
Yellow Palmetto TOMS |
My favorites are the Pewter Glitter, Movember, and Yellow Palmetto. What do you think?