
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

No big deal, I just grew a lemon.

So... this happened.  Actually, it is a totally BIG deal.

Picked lemon!
I picked a lemon off of Lemon Tree, my dwarf Meyer lemon tree.

And then I cut into it.  Sean and I ate some.  Tasted like a delicious lemon.  Two more to go for the 2012 growing season. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Side project.

I know, I know.  I haven't been posting.  I've been really busy, blah, blah, blah.


I have a little side project I want to let you in on.  I've been working on another blog that is strictly about baking and cooking.  Check it out here.  I posted my first recipe on it and it went live early this morning.

I really enjoy cooking and baking and I wanted to document that.  I wanted it seperate than this blog, though because this blog contains some personal information about me.  Whereas, that blog will not.  That is going to be strictly about baking and cooking.

So, check it out from time to time.  Perhaps starting following that blog so you can see updates.

Happy Monday!

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Calorie Counting App: My Fitness Pal.

Last week, I started using a different calorie counting app on my iPod touch.  I began using My Fitness Pal.  I'm pretty much in love.

I used to use the LoseIt! app.  I've used that one on and off in college and more so over the last year.  I'm going to do a little list bullet style to communicate my thoughts on both apps.  These are simply my opinions and they probably differ from someone else. 

My Fitness Pal:
  • More user friendly.  I also like the web based program as well.
  • There are more brand name foods listed in the database.
  • The barcode scanner actually works.  Huge difference from LoseIt!.
  • Once all food and exercise have been entered for a day, I click a "complete this entry" button and it says if I keep eating and exercising the same as I did that day, I would weigh X amount in 5 weeks.  That makes me think about my long term goals.
  • Recipes can be created, just like in LoseIt!.
  • There's really nothing I haven't liked about it - yet.
  • I've used it for years.
  • It has a better looking web based program, but looks don't matter all that much.
I couldn't think of anything else for LoseIt! - obviously.  I'm happy I made the switch.  I've been religiously entering everything since last week and I'm loving it.  This is something new that has kickstarted me back into lifestyle change gear. 

I apologize for my lack of posting.  There hasn't been much going on since the wedding, so not very much to blog about.  I'll try to do better! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wedding pictures!

Yesterday, I got the disc of wedding pictures from the photographer in the mail.  Thanks for sending it to me so fast Mom!

Anyway, there are some really great pictures.  I haven't finished looking through att 1500+ of them yet, but there are two I saw that make me tear up when I look at them.

The first one, is one of my mom and I right before I was going to see Sean for a first look.  My mom had just laced me into my wedding dress and my veil had just been put on.  We're both crying and the photo shows a lot of emotion.

The second photo, is one of my dad and I.  We were both crying.  He had just gotten Charlie to walk down the aisle and we were at the bottom of the stairs waiting for our walk down the aisle. 

I have a lot a pictures I love, but both of these pictures tear at my heartstrings.  Both are very emotional moments with two of the greatest people I know.  I love them both very, very much. 

Anyway, after I finish going through all of the photos I will post a few of a my favorites here.  Going through the photos last night was like re-living our wedding day all over again.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What kickstarted me (again).

So, there I was last Friday.  Getting ready for work.  Thinking about how badly I want to run a 5K again.  My thoughts drifted to last year's Monster Dash.  My thoughts drifted to Christa and Katie.  My thoughts walked me to Facebook.  My thoughts were the reason for this post.

So, there I was on Saturday.  Taking a break from cleaning my apartment.  Perusing blogs I enjoy reading.  There's a few blogs I haven't been keeping up with since before the wedding, like Can You Stay For Dinner?  I came across this post, which then led me to the original and full blog post on Flintland.

This blog post is what solidified my return and desire to run again.  Seriously, click that little link.  You will not be sorry you read it.  It moved me to tears because I am that girl.  I'm the girl who can barely run and I think it is amazing people like the writer are out there. 

If you didn't figure out from the above Facebook postings, Christa and I are running the 5K while Katie is running the half marathon.  If anyone else wants to run the 5K with us, let me know!  Katie had the genius idea today at work that if we had five girls, we could all dress as the Spice Girls.  Truly great idea.  So, I'm recruiting three more people - not strictly female.  We could do away with two people since we could be the Spice Girls post Ginger Spice leaving the group.  If this happens, I would like to go on the record and say I call Sporty Spice. 

Alright, enough of the Spice Girl tangent.  Moral of the story?  Read the linked blog post, for you won't be sorry.  I hope your week is going well.  Tomorrow is hump day. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ever so slowly.

Ever so slowly, life has begun to calm down post wedding.  Wedding planning is still a not-so-distant memory, but it is gaining more distance with each passing day.

I would like to thank everyone who made the wedding possible, especially my parents.  Without their love and support, it wouldn't have been possible.  The wedding was everything I ever dreamed about and it was utterly perfect.  When I think back to that day that was merely a month ago, snippets of memories flash through my mind.  People have posted a lot of these memories on Facebook in photo form.  There's a few though, that I don't have a photo of yet.  I've tried to describe them as best as possible.

Starting out the day cuddling with Charlie. (Becky's photo)

Fixing Christa's shorts after they ripped. (Katie's photo)
Being in the church basement with only my mom and photographer.  I wouldn't have gotten dressed for my wedding any other way.  I'm happy that the only person to see me in my wedding dress (besides photos) was my mom.  It was a special time for us.  Anyway, crying with my mom in the church basement right before I was to go and see Sean and begin our photos.  That will always be special to me.  I'm looking forward to seeing those photos.

Walking down the aisle doing the ugly cry because a minute before my dad and I had been crying together. (Rebecca's photo)
The hand off.  This photo doesn't even need a description. (Rebecca's photo)
The, "We are married." conversation Sean and I had quick. (Rebecca's photo)

First dance with my husband. (Rebecca's photo)
Charlie was the most dedicated dancer of the night.  He was probably saying, "More." (Becky's photo)

So, thank you (again) to everyone who made that day possible and everyone who was a part of that day.  You all mean so much to me and I love you.

Ever so slowly, life is going back to the way it was before.  My wedding dress will get preserved and the decorations will be incorporated into everyday life.  We'll be set in the housewarming department with all the gray vases we have.  I need to get that stuff from my parents house.  I want to make curtains out of the table runners.  I have plans for that stuff.  My mom is going to make three thousand white dish scrubbers with all the leftover tulle.

Ever so slowly, I begin to look forward to what life has in store.  It's just getting good.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Free Concert!

Miss Katie and I are going to the free Wilson Phillips concert tonight at the Minnesota State Fair.

Granted, this is the only song we know, but it will still be a blasty blast.

What are you doing tonight?  Happy Friday!

Monday, August 27, 2012


New haircut
I got a haircut.  And this is my "professional" picture at work.  Really, I needed to upload this picture somewhere on the Internet so I can link to it for the IM system and my picture appears.  Sorry it's so small, it needs to be this small.  More complicated than it should ever be. 

Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hello!  Hey!  Hi there!

I'm taking a cue from Katie and starting this week at work I've been dressing (more) for success.  I'm dressing for the job I want, not the job I have - or something like that.  Perhaps feeling a bit better about myself?  That's still to be decided.

I really just wanted to check in and say hello.  I've missed you. 

Wedding is over, as well as the stress headaches.  Below are a few of my favorite pictures from the day.  Sean's sister Rebecca took the first two and the bottom picture was from Katie's camera.

This shows a lot of the emotion of the ceremony. Tears all around.

My handsome husband and I after the ceremony.

Sean and his mom were dancing, but Lilly and Charlie wanted to dance, so we all danced a bit together.

Happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday thoughts.

A truly great thing: not weighing yourself for two weeks and when you finally do stop avoiding the scale, it is down six pounds.  It was a fantastic way to start the day.

Also, August 10th has showed up on's 10 day forcast.  As of right now, there is a 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms.  I know it will probably change, but you better believe I will be stalking the forecast until the wedding day.

Please do an anti-rain dance for me.  Thanks.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The final countdown.

There is a mere 11 days until the wedding.  This is the final countdown.

You're welcome for getting that song stuck in your head.  I received my daily email from Project Wedding this morning and it told me there is 11 until days until the Big Day. 

Sean and I have been talking about how we'll be glad to get the wedding over.  While it will be a great, fun, and memorable day, we're also excited to get back to a "normal" routine and back to "normal" life.  I'm especially excited to get the craft projects out of our second bedroom and our apartment can start look "normal" again.  What is this "normal?"  Our apartment and lives have been clouded with wedding projects and things for the better part of six or seven months.  So, maybe what was "normal" isn't really "normal" anymore?  Anyway, I digress.

Two weeks from today I am getting a much needed haircut.  I'm going back to my shoulder length hair, thank goodness.  I'm sick of this long, thick, tangled mop.  It takes too long to blow dry and straighten every morning.  All I do is wash it, comb it, and let it air dry.  I've been growing this out for two years.  It's time for it to go.

Happy Monday everyone!  Enjoy the (hopefully) beautiful day!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The garden last week.

Notice the field of tomatoes in the back. Much larger now.

A perfect sunflower.
Gardening is one of my newest favorite things now.  Just look at that sunflower!  It's beautiful.  Last night, Sean and I saw there are more sunflowers blooming now and it is more beautiful than this.

I can't wait to harvest some tomatoes.  Also, I am looking forward to picking the last tomatoes on a plant and then pulling the plant out of the ground to make more room.  The huge tomato bush (20 tomato plants all leaving on each other and making one collective plant) is getting kind of annoying.  I'm ready to harvest.  Clearly, I'm a little too eager. 

Last night while I was watering, Sean pulled out the last of my pea plants.  He picked all the pods of the plants for me to save for next year's pea crop.  We didn't harvest a ton of peas, mostly because I only planted eight or ten plants.  Next year though, I have big plans for the pea.  I also have big tomato plans, but that's a whole different blog post. 

Please note the bug on the sunflower leaf in the lower left corner of the picture.  So everyone knows, it was a real ladybug and NOT an Asian beetle.  It was beautiful, just like the sunflower.  It was bright red (not brown red or orange tinted).  That ladybug reminded me of visiting Grandma and Grandpa McKenzie during the summer.  Grandma would give me a jar to collect ladybugs and I'm talking real ladybugs, before the Asian beetles.  Anyway, on the north side (I think...) of their house had an area that moss would grow.  In that moss I could also find bright pink colored ladybugs.  They were fantastic.  In the jar I would get from Grandma, someone would help me poke holes in the lid so air could get in there.  I would put leaves, grass, and small twigs in the jar as well.  I don't remember how long the ladybugs would live like that, but this memory is starting to get foggy.  I can't remember if Travis ever collected ladybugs either. 

Anyway, the point of the story was the ladybug I saw last week made me a bit nostalgic.  That is all.
How is your garden doing?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bridal Shower.

Does anyone have pictures from the bridal shower a few weeks ago?  My camera died before I could take any pictures.  Can someone either blog a bunch of them or email some to me?  Becky or Mom?

Thanks.  You ladies rock.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Jillian Michaels kicks my butt.

I've been doing the 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michaels.  Day 4 is in the books.  Level 1 workouts are starting to get easier.

This is going to be short and sweet.  It's difficult to type with a kitty in the way.

Picture taken 5 seconds before being uploaded and posted here.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

36 Days.

The countdown is down to 36 days until the wedding.  Thirty-six days until I marry my best friend and change my last name.  How can the countdown only be 36 days?  The wedding is going to be here before you know it.

About the last name thing... I have no problem changing my last name and knew I would always take my fiance's name when we get married.  But.  I'm kind of going to miss my last name.  I've had it for 24 years.  I know, I'm changing to a more common and easier name.  I know people probably won't misspell it or add other letters to it (a, r, and d are most commonly added).  It feels a little bittersweet to lose it though.  My last name has been a part of my identity my entire life and I can't imagine it without it. 

Obviously, I'm still going to be changing my name, but it will definitely have to take some time getting used to.  It's probably going to be like after the beginning of a new year, I always mess up writing it by writing the previous year for about a month.  Maybe it will be like that?

How did you feel when (or if) you changed your last name?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wedding dress fitting and other stuff.

I'm slacking on the blogging front.  I should be more like Becky and try to blog more. 


Last Friday, I had my first wedding dress fitting.  It was so beautiful.  So white.  The crinoline was so fluffy compared to the sample dress I tried on.  It was so freaking beautiful.  But, I was terrified to try it on.  I was feeling very anxious.  I was afraid it wasn't going to fit at all and not slide up over my hips and butt. 

Alas, it was tight, but it went up.  It is being let out a bit.  As my mom pointed out, the alterations lady didn't say, "Oh my gosh," or panic at all.  She made it seem like it will be an easy fix.  And easy fix I hope it is.  I'm still watching what I eat and working on losing a few pounds.  I go back to try the dress on July 20.  I didn't want to take the dress off. 

It made me really excited about the wedding.  Wedding projects on my to-do list are being crossed off.  I'm going to start designing my programs this week.  I'm going to try to finish the table numbers this week.  Of course, I'm still waiting on RSVPs to figure out how many table numbers I actually need... but that is another story entirely. 

Tonight, Sean and I are going to buy his suit jacket for the wedding.  We need to figure out groomsmen gifts still.  I am working on bridemaids gifts and am just about done, but can't go into detail here since sneaky bridemaids will read about it. 

Bachelorette party is next weekend.  We're going to Valleyfair (work on our bronze) and then going out that night.  I'm so excited. 

What are you up to these days?  How's your summer going thus far?

Monday, June 25, 2012

First Dress Fitting.

My first wedding dress fitting is Friday.  Cue excitement and nervousness now. 

Definitely more excited to see it though.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


After realizing I need to finish the DJ reception planning sheet in the next week, I found a song that could be a first dance song contender for Sean and I.

A)  I love this song.  The Current plays it all the time.
B)  I feel like it's not super mushy so Sean is more likely to be on board.
C)  I love it.

Lunges and Squats.

When I've had to go to the bathroom or go and fill up my water glass in the kitchen at work, I've been doing walking lunges.  My booty hurts already.

Then, if that wasn't enough, I did some body weight squats at my desk before I sit back down. 

Random funny thing I saw online:

So true.
Have a good day!  Today is my Friday.  Joyous.  AND my mama is coming to visit today.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bootsy cuteness.

Sean took a picture of Boots relaxing.  Also, note the lemon hanging in the background.  She's so adorable.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wedding Annoyances.

My biggest wedding annoyances (right now, it may change):
  • People asking when the wedding date when you first get engaged.  Literally, right after.  
  • People sending their RSVP back and saying they're bringing a date when their invitation did not say, "so and so and guest."  Frustrating.
That's all I have for now.  I just wanted to vent a bit.  That is all.

Summer Bucket List

My summer bucket list:
  • Get married to my best friend, obviously.  That is happening anyway though.
  • Learn how to french braid well.  I can sort of french braid, but I want to learn the real deal.
  • Work on my awesome flip flop tan.  It's started already.
Exhibit A. Gross I put my feet on my blog.
  • Pick a ripe lemon from my dwarf Meyer lemon tree.
My kitty and my lemon tree.
  • I want to ride my bike 400 miles between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  Can it be done?  I don't know.  My goal is ride 5 miles per day, 35 per week.  I'm too lazy to add up how much I've rode already, but I will do at least 400.
Let's do this!

Monday, June 11, 2012


I'm on the hunt for more vintage Pyrex.  I've decided I for sure want to collect yellow, green, turquoise, and pink solids in every size pan and bowl they made. 

Obviously, I'm still going to collect anything I can get my hands on, but someday I would like a collection like this.  Or this. So freaking beautiful.

Fat smash diet thoughts and feelings.

I've been on the Fat Smash Diet for the last week or so.  I started in phase 1 with lists of foods I can and cannot eat. 

My thoughts on this diet:
  • Diets are silly.  I would rather be calorie counting.
  • This experience re-affirmed why I want to lose weight.  Last Tuesday, I weighed myself for the first time in over a month.  The scale was up (no surprise there) and starting the Fat Smash Diet sounded great.  The next day, I was already down some weight.  I felt great.  But then there was a potluck at work and foods I couldn't eat.
  • Basically, I'll be using what I learned while doing this.  Mostly though, I'm going to be more conscious of the foods I'm eating - like I was in the beginning. 
I'm hoping back on the lifestyle change horse.  Are you with me?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Garden pics.

Thanks to Sean for taking these pictures with his cell phone yesterday afternoon.

View of my plot from the corner.

Got these for Administrative Assistants day from the principals. The pot of flowers was so root bound that they were practically dying before I planted them here.  A new flower has just bloomed.

View from the north end of the garden.

Tomatoes and peppers.  There's one tomato plant that was broken by a big rain storm right after I planted them all.  The roots didn't die and it's starting to grow more.  It's in the second row - the one with no cage right now.

Gladiolus and a pepper that was pelted by the rain storm previously mentioned above.

My sunflowers.  They're getting big.  Or as Sean says, "They're giant."

Me and my garden.  What seems to be empty spaces has lettuce, yellow and green beans, and various flowers planted.
As you can see, my plot is full.  Well, full until the beans are harvested.  Growing right now is:
  • Three types of tomatoes
  • Jalapeno peppers
  • One bell pepper plant
  • Two cabbages
  • Carrots
  • Yellow beans
  • Green beans - waiting to sprout
  • Lettuce - waiting to sprout
  • Two types of onions
  • Peas
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Parsley
  • Marigolds
  • Mums
  • Sunflowers
  • Billy balls - waiting to sprout
  • Jumbo zinnias - waiting to sprout
  • Bachelor Buttons - waiting to sprout
  • Gladiolus
Looking at this list, I realize exactly how much I have planted.  Whoa.

What are you currently growing?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Do Life Tour - Minneapolis

Last week I blogged about the Minneapolis stop of the Do Life Tour.  Below is a few pictures Katie emailed me from the night.

Katie with Ben Davis
Lilly and I
Katie's daughter Lilly and I were hanging out.  Katie says before this picture was taken she was smiling, but I think Lee (Katie's husband) probably said or did something she didn't like.

Me and Ben Davis

First day of school excitement picture
All in all, it 'twas a good time!

Wedding Stuff Update

I received my bridal shower invitation in the mail yesterday.  I'm really looking forward to it next weekend.  Like whoa, time is flying.  The wedding is nine weeks away.  Whoa. 

The RSVPs have been flowing in.  One of my favorite parts of the day is getting the mail to see how many RSVPs and who they're from.  I got the RSVP mom, thanks for mailing it even though I know you are coming. :)  I like the little notes that have been written on them.  Charlie was allowed to color on the RSVP before sending it back.  It is now hanging out our fridge since it is Charlie artwork. 

On Tuesday we got Sean's grandma and grandpa's RSVP.  Their name was on it, but they forgot to mark accept or decline.  Of course, we know they are going to be there.  I thought it was cute. 

Some things on my wedding to do list:
  • Pew decorations
  • Work on DJ music sheet for the reception - sent back by the end of June
  • Figure out candles for the reception tables (pretty much done, I just need to buy the candles)
  • Wedding programs - can't be done until right before the wedding
  • Decide on ceremony music - a task for this weekend
  • Finish making card box - requires power tools so I'll need my dad's help on this
I know there is more on my list, but my mind is blanking right now. 

What's new with you?  Are you going to be working on any special projects this weekend?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I know what I'm doing tonight...

So, this happened.

It looks like I'm going to Minneapolis tonight do a little jogging (soft j) and walking with the Ben Does Life Tour.  I think Katie should come with too.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I want to run again.

I want to run again.

I want to get up early in the morning before work and run.  I want to run in the quiet while the neighborhood is waking up.  I want to run and see people bringing their dogs out for their morning walk and potty break.  I want to run and only hear my footsteps on the sidewalk and the wolves from Como Zoo howling.  I want to run again.

I'm going to start running again.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

To-do list update.

Last night I posted about things I needed to complete last night.  Let's see how we did, shall we?
  • Treats for Sean to bring to work, check!
  • Finish designing RSVP and map for wedding invitations, check!
    • Bonus, I got them printed.  Over lunch I'm headed to the post office to get postcard stamps and then invitations can be mailed out this week.  Woo!
  • Finish up baby gift... not check.  That is the only thing on my agenda tonight though.  Sean will be mailing it off tomorrow morning.
  • Miscellaneous wedding projects... not check.  The card box will be completed this week.  Also, I want to get the vases used as table centerpieces spray painted the correct color.
  • Cages for tomato plants are done.  Also over lunch I'm going to head to the garden quick (time permitting) and drop off the last of the cages and do a little watering. 
Side note.  I planted my tomato and jalapeno plants on Saturday afternoon.  Then, Saturday evening we got some crazy wind and sideways rain.  For a while, the rain was really coming down hard.  Luckily, only one tomato plant was damaged.  It was a roma plant, so I'm not too worried.

What's going on with you?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Things going on right now.

Things I'm working on all at once right now:
  • Making treats for Sean to bring to work tomorrow.
  • Finishing up designing RSVP and map for the wedding invitations so they can be mailed out this week.
  • Finishing up baby gift for Rebecca, Sean's sister.  Baby Gutwin will be here shortly!
  • Working on miscellaneous wedding projects.
  • Finish making cages for my tomato plants -- only 12 more to go!
That's what I'm trying to complete tonight.  Do you think I can do it?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Aw, crap.

I just did a little math of when I need to send out wedding invitations and when the RSVP deadline should be.  If I make the RSVP deadline one month (four weeks) before the wedding and "they" say to send out wedding invitations eight weeks before the RSVP deadline.  The date I would need to send out the invitations is tomorrow.

Cue the swearing and freaking out in my head.

We're getting married 12 weeks from tomorrow.  TWELVE WEEKS.

We have a lot to do.  First though, I need to design the RSVP and map to be printed.  I need to do this stat.

Cue the freaking out some more.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Bike Ride to Work

I timed myself going to work this morning.  I shaved off two minutes since the first and last time I timed myself.  Yeah!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Favorites and Real Talk

Can we please talk about the fact that I have come down with a cold since coming home from Columbia, Maryland, for work?  I forsee this weekend to be a lot laying around on the couch intermixed with working on my garden.  Other favorite things, plants in my garden!

Things that have sprouted in my garden:
  • Peas
  • Sunflowers (I had more sprouted when I went there last week, I think a bunny had a snack)
  • Carrots
  • Onions (my dad gave me some of the onions he got from Travis)
  • Daisies
  • Marigolds
  • Gladiola (only one so far)
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
And I still have plenty of room to plant my 20 tomato plants and eight jalapeno plants.  I think 20 tomato plants might be too much.  Hopefully I can give some away to Katie when she gets home from her two week trip in Europe.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Favorites.

  • I've been working on wedding projects again.  A necessary thing.
  • Gardening!
Honestly, I can't think of anything else.  I've got wedding and gardening brain.  Leaving for Maryland for work on Sunday.  I have to start packing and such. 

What are you up to?  Big plans for the weekend?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1st Thoughts.

Happy May Day!  I can't believe it is already May.  Where has the time gone? 

So, a topic I haven't been blogging about and trying not to think about.  My weight.  I weighed in this morning.  I'm down .4 pound(s?).  I suspect I'm down more than that since I haven't weighed in since April 4, 2012.  I was in a funk.  I was angry about gaining 1.7 pounds.  I'm past that now.  I'm refocused.

What refocused me, you ask?  Well, I was reading an issue of Allure.  I can't remember if it was April or March's issue.  I tried finding the article online, but alas, could not.  Anyway, the article was about weight loss and the discipline it takes.  It was one woman's account of how she lost weight through thinking of a diet as a discipline.  It wasn't about motivation or self control.  It was about discipline.  And when I think about the food I'm going to eat during the day, I think about the discipline of weight loss.  The article really shed some light.  I'm going to keep trying to find it.  It was a good one. 

Instead of finding motivation (or waiting for it) I've found this works for me.  Over the past week, I've noticed I'm not snacking unnecessarily (very much).  I'm not eating out of boredom.  I'm getting my eating habits under control. 

For most of April, I wasn't paying attention to what I was eating.  I wasn't logging my food into LoseIt.  I wasn't being successful at all.  Right now though, I'm happy with my plan. 

I've been exercising.  I'm working on the Couch to 5K plan again.  I went for a "run" last night.  By "run" I mean run for specific time, walk for specific time.  On Sunday, Sean and I did some garden work at the community garden.  I'm signed up for the mowing work group, so I did a bit of mowing.  The non-self propelled push mower definitely worked my arm and shoulder muscles.  Also, shoveling dirt is a full body workout.  Over the weekend I did some Jillian Michael's Extreme Shed & Shred.  So, I've been trying to be active. 

Now, it is time to buckle down.  I've got a wedding in 101 days to prepare for.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Homemade Laundry Detergent.

Tonight, I made homemade laundry detergent.  I found a recipe on Pinterest a few months ago and have been waiting for our detergent to run out.  I found the recipe here

First, a bar of soap is grated.

I used a bar of Lever 2000, but any bar of soap can be used.
Next, the grated soap is added to the pan.  Side note, this pan is not large enough to hold the two gallons of liquid, hence a bucket later on.

Looks like cheese, but alas it is not.
A gallon of water is added to the soap.  I used hot water because I read on another website that hot water dissolves the soap a lot better.

Heated to dissolve the soap.
Once the soap is dissolved, one cup of Arm & Hammer Washing Soap and one cup of Borax is added to the pot.  This is then heated to a boil.

I noticed it bubbled and foamed on top as it was boiling.  This was then poured into a bucket with one gallon of cold water.  I need to search Goodwill or some other thrift store for a large stock pot that will hold at least two gallons.

Stir hot and cold together.
This mixture is then put into containers.  I was going to leave it in the bucket overnight, but then I thought it would be easier to put into containers now instead of later when it has congealed. 

I need to save gallon containers...
When washing, a half of a cup is used per load.  Researching online, it says this will not create very many suds when using in the washing machine.  I read suds actually don't help clothes get clean and are there for looks.  Sean says the true test of the detergent will be on his cycling and work clothes.  I'll keep everyone posted as to how well this works.  Mom and Becky, you two are getting some of this. 

Buying the box of Washing Soda and Borax and two bars of soap cost me less than $9.  That is A LOT cheaper than it would cost me to buy two gallons of laundry detergent.  The savings alone is just incredible.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Favorites.

I'm going to start something new on Fridays.  I'm going to list a few of my favorite things from the past week.  The list may or may not include photos of everything.
  • I found this amazing daily deal website last night.  YipIt is a service that combines all daily deal in your area in one website instead of having to go to Groupon, Living Social, Plum District, etc., to find deals you are interested in.  It's pretty amazing.
  • I'm in the mood to bake.  These especially.
  • My peas have sprouted in my garden.  Yay!
So, I'm blanking on other things I've liked this week.  How was your week?  Happy Friday!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Last night, as I was getting ready to clean up the table after Sean and I ate dinner, a little kitty head popped up.  I'm not sure how long Boots was sitting on the chair, but apparently she wanted some dinner too.
Kitty ready for dinner.
Whenever we eat at the table Boots always needs to know what is going on.  A few weeks ago we were having pancakes for dinner and as Sean was buttering a pancake a little kitty paw is reaching up trying to get in on the action.  It was adorable.


I haven't posted in a week.  Ahh!

Really, there's nothing new to report.  It's been cold and rainy.  I've been working on my garden.  I've been feeling lazy.

Sean and I finished pre-marriage stuff for the church we're getting married in.  We're good to go, almost.

What else... Oh!  Wedding cake flavors have been decided.  I'll keep you in suspense.

How is it going to be May NEXT WEEK?!  This is just ridiculous.  2012 is flying by far too quickly.

That's about it.  I can't think of anything else new.

How about you?  What's new with you?

Monday, April 16, 2012

I forgot to mention...

I have a garden plot!  I'll be working there tomorrow and/or Wednesday night.  My plot is in an area of all new plots so I have to turn the dirt and mulch over a bit more than an established plot.  I also need to haul over some compost to my plot. 

Once all of the prep is done, I can begin planting.  That is a good thing.  I need to get shallots out of my apartment.  Boots and shallots do not mix.  She was a sick kitty last Wednesday, which worried Sean and myself a lot.  I also need to figure out some sort of fencing for my peas.  Dad, got any thoughts or anything I can borrow?  Should I buy a roll of steel fencing from Menards and create my own fencing?  If I did that, I could then create my own cages for the tomato plants. 

Hmmm, thoughts? 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lemon tree!

Lemon tree!  Look how grown up you're getting.  You look bushier than you when you first came home with me and also on this day.

Lemon Tree is a lady.
 "Can we please talk about that lemon growing there?"  That's what you're asking, I know.  Let's take a closer look.

I'm pretty sure I talked about naming the Lemon Tree once upon a time.  Her name is Lemon Tree.  Original, I know.  Those who know me well may be thinking, "Kali, Lemon Tree is a she?  But you name everything a boy."  My reply is that Lemon Tree is a lady, therefore, she is a she.

Enough tree talk.  Time to throw something together for dinner.  Have a nice Thursday!

Can we please?

Can we please talk about how amazing this is?

From Practical Ryan Gosling

 The blog includes pictures of Ryan Gosling with the "Hey girl, ..." quotes.  All wedding related at Practical Ryan Gosling.  And, if I daresay, sometimes quite humorous.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Five favorite things.

I was inspired by last week's Joy the Baker Podcast to blog about my five favorite things right now. 
My little kitty, Boots. She makes me smile every single day.
Boots, my kitten who actually isn't a kitten.  This morning after my alarm went off she was extra affectionate.  She was cuddly and laying on my chest.  Luckily, she only weighs eight pounds so I could still breathe.
My bike, Leonard.  Lenny is my trusty biking companion.  On Saturday I'm planning on going for a pretty long bike ride.  I should bring my camera with and see if I find anything pretty and unexpected.
Family circa 1988 - thanks for the picture from your Facebook Dad.
My family.  I tried looking for a picture of us currently all grown up, but I can't find a picture with everyone in it.  Definitely need to get one soon.

Zyrtec, my life saver.
Spring time in Minnesota.  Itchy, watery eyes.  Itchy, bumpy rash arms.  Allergies.  Zyrtec is saving me right now.
Quote from Pride and Prejudice.
This is my favorite quote from Pride and Prejudice.  I watched the movie last Saturday.  Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book.  This quote gives me goosebumps every time I watch the movie.